Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Le Web 3 - Notes from N. Zenström's interview

Loic Le Meur's interview of Niklas Zenström was a very interesting way to start the conference. The perspectives of this serial entrepreneur are worth listening to. If you are interested in notes, they can be found here in a format generated by Freemind, the cool open-source mind mapping tool I am using. I found Zenström's short comments about his plans for TV ("it's supposed to be stealth" as he said) particularly interesting... What happens when the best aspects of the Internet are combined with the stuff people like about TV? I bet his next venture will be explosive... again.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the notes and the comment on my blog. I don't know if you remember, but seeing your picture I've just figuring out that we've already met during my internship at Culture-Buzz in Luxembourg ! and we spoke mostly of Chimay beer...
